CATALOGUE - Anders Härm & Hanno Soans, Dénes Farkas / 2006–…, photo series – New Wave: Estonian artists of the 21st century (no. 1). Winter 2007 [Exhibition]. Tallinn, 2008

Small-scale untitled photo series by Dénes Farkas depicts miniature, sterile
cardboard worlds, that indicate to different spaces of social control – school, interrogation room, voting box, prison, office. But at the same time we can imagine these spaces also as very intimate and private. Due to the cardboard folding technics the parallel with Thomas Demand is quick to emerge, but unlike Demand Farkas doesn’t seek for exact copies of reality. Quite contrary – these structures are totally alienated from reality. They seem to almost precisely illustrate Etienne Balibars argument, that capitalist violence cannot be attributed to any concrete individual and
to their evil intention: it is objective, systemic and anonymous. Its “nice” white structural violence of contemporary capitalism that we see in the images of Farkas.