MULTICRASH on November 1st at CCA
Center for Contemporary Arts, Estonia announces:
You are cordially invited to Multicrash – Berlin syndrome presentation at Center for Contemporary Arts, Estonia on Friday, 1st November at 5 PM!
Kalle Keskrand describes the project:
Life is about getting even. The everyday reality of a city deceives us with it’s safety – driving cars, stopping trains, people stepping onto the platform to get on with their daily routine. They follow a pattern which forms a reality where every instant is a piece glued to a white wallpaper, ready to fall any moment if shaken too hard. As a result a distorted space becomes ever present. It lurks on us at every step we take. It is a limit to surpass only once with no return. Escaping oneself is impossible. Suddenly a split personality emancipates from the rule of a societal order.
A man perceives himself as a woman, a woman recognizes herself as a man and an object becomes a subject in itself. The distorted space becomes a meeting point for split personalities and leads to a total collision - a multicrash. This is called Berlin syndrome.
Artists: Hannes Aasamets, Pille-Riin Jaik, Eemil Karila, Flo Kasearu, Kalle Keskrand, Mikk Madisson, Urmas Muru, Kaido Ole, Alina Orav and Marta Vaarik
Kaasaegse Kunsti Eesti Keskus
Vabaduse väljak 6 (Push 5 at Tallinna Kunstihoone main entrance)