November/December Estonian art news
CCA, Estonia publishes a newsletter on contemporary art news in Estonia in every two months. November/December 2017 newsletter can be found here.
Andres Tolts. Landscape with Still Life
@Kumu Art Museum
24.11.2017 – 01.04.2018Andres Tolts is an eminent Estonian artist from the second half of the 20th century. Tolts’ work examines the shifting relations between objects, spaces and pictures. Together with Leonhard Lapin and Ando Keskküla, Tolts was the founder of art group SOUP’69, which was named after Andy Warhol’s famous series Campbell’s Soup Cans. This exhibition is curated by Anu Allas.
Exhibitions of Latvian feminist art
@Tartu Art House
17.11. – 10.12
In November and early December, Tartu Art House presents three exhibitions of Latvian feminist art: Jana Kukaine’s curatorial exhibition ‘Goddesses ex machina’, Mētra Saberova’s solo show ‘Pimpin’Yo Mama Crib’ and Margrieta Gristina’s solo show ‘Daggy's Last Selfie’, curated by Šelda Puķīte. Similiarly to the Estonian scene, feminist art is only just beginning to be recognized by a wider audience in Latvia. These solo shows present younger generation artists, born in the 1990s, and each deals in its own way with the body, activism, and identity. The curatorial exhibition shows artists from the previous generation, who started their careers in the 1990s or early 2000s. The exhibition opening is followed by a performance by Mētra Saberova and Ingrīda Pičukāne and experimental music group TVMaskava.
US video art screening
@Artis cinema
On the 9th of December, CCA, Estonia will present a video art screening programme at Artis cinema. This event is part of the CCA, Estonia and Art in General collaboration, which began in 2016 with David Kennedy-Cutler’s and Juntae Teejay Hwang’s exhibitions in Tallinn, and continued in 2017 with Merike Estna and Maria Metsalu’s exhibition in New York City. The screening programme will present work by contemporary US video artists, accompanied by artist talks. The screening programme will present work by contemporary US video artists, accompanied by artist talks. The full programme, curated by Laurel Ptak, director of Art in General, will soon be announced on the CCA, Estonia website.
Edith Karlson and Jass Kaselaan 'Hudnoi'
@Temnikova and Kasela Gallery
17.11 – 27.01.2018
Edith Karlson and Jass Kaselaan studied together, worked together, and exhibited together as the artist group Hudnoi. For the first time in seven years, they are working together again to create a new exhibition under the same title as their name. Both Karlson and Kaselaan are mainly known as sculptural installation artists. In Edith Karlson's large-scale sculptural pieces, which often include a variety of characters, from colourful dogs to naked humans, rendering using a mix of techniques to express different characters. In these works, Karlson is often addressing profound issues through wit and irony. Jass Kaselaan is known for massive, large-scale sculptures, that are executed with micro-precision, taking into account the selected themes and project venue space.
Lecture series on contemporary curating and writing
@Estonian Academy of Arts/the hall of Estonian Academy of Sciences
Together with the department of Visual Culture at the Estonian Academy of Arts, CCA, Estonia have curated a lecture series which includes international curators and writers, and will take place between Autumn 2017 and May 2018. The series was opened on the 9th of November by the curator of 13th Baltic Triennial, Vincent Honoré. He’ll be followed by curator Vasif Kortun (23.11) and feminist curator/writer Martha Kirszenbaum (07.11). Information about the 2018 schedule will be announced on the CCA website.
See the full list of recommended art events in the newsletter here.