Baltic Triennial 13 announces list of participating artists and locations
Baltic Triennial 13: Give Up the Ghost
May 11–November 18, 2018
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Artistic Director:
Vincent Honoré
Participating Artists
Caroline Achaintre, Evgeny Antufiev, Korakrit Arunanondchai, Carlotta Bailly Borg, Darja Bajagić, Olga Balema, Nina Beier, Huma Bhabha, Hannah Black, Dora Budor, Eglė Budvytytė, Ben Burgis and Ksenia Pedan, Miriam Cahn, Adam Christensen, Jesse Darling, Michael Dean, Michael E. Smith, Melvin Edwards, Merike Estna, Gaia Fugazza, Daiga Grantiņa, Max Hooper Schneider, Anna Hulačová, Pierre Huyghe, Derek Jarman, Sandra Jõgeva, Jamila Johnson-Small, Vytautas Jurevičius, E’wao Kagoshima, Sanya Kantarovsky, Ella Kruglyanskaya, Lina Lapelytė, Kris Lemsalu, Klara Lidén, Elīna Lutce, Paul Maheke, Benoît Maire, marikiscrycrycry, Pierre Molinier, Katja Novitskova, Pakui Hardware (Neringa Černiauskaitė and Ugnius Gelguda), Anu Põder, Laure Prouvost, Ieva Rojūtė, Rachel Rose, Augustas Serapinas, Ülo Sooster, Achraf Touloub, Mare Tralla, Ola Vasiljeva, Dorota Gawęda and Eglė Kulbokaitė (Young Girl Reading Group), Young Boy Dancing Group
Poetry & Music: Khairani Barokka, Harry Burke, CAConrad, Jayne Cortez, Anaïs Duplan, Penny Goring, Caspar Heinemann, Agnese Krivade, Žygimantas Kudirka, Tarek Lahkrissi, Maria Minerva, Moor Mother, Precious Okoyomon, planningtorock, Christopher Soto, Karlis Verdins, Jackie Wang, Liv Wynter.
Venues and Dates:
Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania: May 11–August 12
CCA Estonia, Tallinn Art Hall: June 29–September 2
Kim? Contemporary Art Centre, Riga: September 21–November 18
If you think you took
something from me
i am flattered and u can have it
I will be waiting
blackened faith
The skin stays and the organs move
Extraordinary teeth
looking for fuckable orifices
a new languages of my twisted hearts transparency
Excerpt from "Keep forgetting i am the void" by Precious Okoyomon (February 1, 2018)
For the first time in its history, the Baltic Triennial 13, titled Give Up The Ghost, is organised by all three Baltic States: Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia. Spread across these multiple locations and evolving sequentially, BT13 makes a conscious decision to give up its unity in order to make space and time for the polyphonic to rise.
The three exhibitions that form the core of the Triennial are all different in format, content and context. However, each of the chapters is informed by a shared concern: what does it mean to belong at a time of fractured identities? BT13 – Give Up The Ghost will unfold through and with this very question, careful not to offer a single or illustrative response. Instead, it opts for a collective vision of what is at stake: independence and dependency—and everything that lies in between—to territories, cultures, classes, histories, bodies and forms.
The fluctuating notion of belonging, which can be understood to exist within the conceptual and formal framework of a relationship, allows us to think beyond identity as something fixed, self-contained and essentialised. It enables BT13 – Give Up The Ghost to push further a trio of concepts which underpin the whole of the Triennial—formless subjectivity, bastard objects and anti-categories—freeing it to act as the intertwined lines of a fluid score rather than the headlines of an activist manifesto. Together, they privilege forms of infiltration, displacement and hybridization, and operate as a lens through which to consider the unstable ground on which we stand.
The Triennial’s three chapters will adopt different perspectives and strategies to better accentuate the many intricacies tied to the ever-shifting understanding of belonging. In Vilnius, the largest venue of the Triennial, the exhibition will be filled with yet-to-be-named organisms and dystopian landscapes which will question the concepts of territories and social bodies. The Tallinn chapter, in its turn, will center on sensuality and intimacy as parameters to take into account when reflecting on belonging. Taking the form of an epilogue, the Riga exhibition will set an otherworldly backdrop for a series of performances and events to take place, privileging gestures of generosity and humility in equal measure. All three iterations of the Triennial will be both celebratory and self-reflexive, leaving space and time for new questions to arise.
Contemporary Art Centre (CAC), Vilnius, Lithuania; Kim? Contemporary Art Centre, Riga, Latvia; Centre for Contemporary Art Estonia (CCAE), Tallinn, Estonia
Curatorial Bureau:
Dina Akhmadeeva, Canan Batur, Juliet Bingham, Neringa Bumblienė, Harry Burke, Cédric Fauq, Anya Harrison, Cadence Kinsey, Sten Ojavee, Kaspars Vanags
Diogo Passarinho
Tadas Karpavičius
Supported by the Lithuanian Council for Culture and the Institut Français, The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia, and the Estonian Cultural Endowment
The Triennial celebrates the Centennial of the restored Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.