Estonian art news: SUMMER 2018
CCA, Estonia publishes a newsletter on contemporary art news in Estonia in every two months. Summer 2018 newsletter can be found here.
Baltic Triennial13
@Tallinn Art Hall
30.06 – 02.09
For the first time since its foundation in 1979, Baltic Triennial 13 is being organised by and taking place in all three Baltic countries: Lithuania (May 11 – August 12), Estonia (June 29 – September 2) and Latvia (September 21 – November 18). The three distinct exhibitions act as different chapters to form the Triennial. The exhibition in Tallinn will centre on sensuality and intimacy as parameters to take into account when reflecting on belonging, addressing notions of the moving body, the fragmented body, the organic body, the political body and the desiring body. The show will be accompanied by a special programme at Kanuti Gildi SAAL performing arts space on 1 and 2 September. The Tallinn chapter of Baltic Triennial 13 is co-produced by Center for Contemporary Arts, Estonia and Tallinn Art Hall.
“Artists in Collections”
@different venues in Estonia
Throughout Summer
Project “Artists in Collections” brings 10 contemporary Estonian artists to work with the collections of 10 small museums in smaller towns and villages in Estonia. Every artist will create an intervention at the museum that will transform into exhibitions during 2018. During Summer 2018, there are exhibitions by Aet Ader and Laur Kaunissaare at Narva Jõesuu Local History Museum, Laura Põld at Kunda Cement Museum, Jevgeni Zolotko at Sillamäe museum (opening June 29), Jaanus Samma at Liivi museum (opening June 30), Jass Kaselaan at Saaremaa museum (opening July 12), and Raul Keller, Eva Mustonen and Marge Monko with shows opening in museums during August. Special buses go to most of the opening events, additional information is on the website.
@Gallery of Valga museum
05.06 – 31.06
The artists included in the exhibition curated by Peeter Talvistu, will present works where the used media are borderline cases. This is a property that also characterises the town Valga-Valka where the exhibition takes place. Since form is inseparable from content, the possible meaning of the works also becomes borderline and elusive. The works by five artists included in the exhibition gain their power from their presence in this borderline “twilight zone”. Maybe the twin town Valga-Valka exists in a similar curious location: removing one part of the town would take away its very nature. Participating artists Eva Mustonen, Laura Põld, Anna-Maria Saar, Diana Tamane and Kadri Toom.
“Archeology of the Screen”
06.07 – 14.10
“Archeology of the Screen” is a continuation of the group exhibition held at the Bozar, Brussels, in 2017, which includes Estonian artists’ works supplemented by international examples. Artists from different generations examine the relationships between the screen and art before and after the dawn of the computer age. Curators: Eha Komissarov and Triin Tulgiste.
See the full list of recommended art events in the newsletter here.