Estonian artists at "Hydrogen night 2018" in Riga
Kim? Contemporary Art Center invites you to take part within the performance night taking place within the framework of Baltā Nakts 2018. The performance night is curated by the Estonian curator and head of the Center for Contemporary Arts, Estonia – Maria Arusoo.
Hydrogen Night is performance marathon featuring artist Laima Jaunzema, Kris Lemsalu, Maria Metsalu in collaboration with Merike Estna, Netti Nüganen, Natasha Papadopoulou, Anni Puolakka with Marta Trektere and Regret.
Nine hour event will explore topics around body: body building, body language, body fluids, feeding and fed on.
Through an uncanny self-humorous perspective, we try to find a language for talking about the body, sexuality and intimacy, that would not reproduce the language and structures of patriarchal regimes. Performances aim to present stories which offer diversity, imperfection, vulnerability, failure, participation, and which are sometimes still searching for themselves. Night will question and fracture projected expectations and stereotypical notions about our bodies and the mapping of cultural norms onto our bodies.
It is the night when everything melts organically together and what is left is colorful spaghettis around the weight gain.
Programme of the event:
19.00-19.20 Natasha Papadopoulou, Social Medea
20.00-20.30 Anni Puolakka: Suckling Animal Sibling, performed with Marta Trektere
20.30.-20.50 Natasha Papadopoulou, Social Medea
21.00- 21.30 Laima Jaunzema “Pigeon Pigeon Suicidal white”
22.00-00.00 Maria Metsalu’s performance “Maria and the angry pasta” presenting Merike Estna’s painting
23.00- 23.30 Regret live
23.30-1.30Netti Nüganen “BB”
01-03 Kris Lemsalu (Dj set)
Free Entrance
Thank you: Center for Contemporary Arts, Estonia, Kaarin Kivirähk, Sten Ojavee, Kristina Oras, Aleksander Tsapov, Young Boy Dancing Group.