KRIITIKA - Laura Kuusk, People, art and the human environment – Estonian Art 2009, 1, 1–4
The artist duo Johnson and Johnson worked in a completely different environment, although the background was conceptually similar. Between 2006 and 2008 they initiated a communication project in the town of Paldiski, which focused on a copy of Amandus Adamson’s [1855–1929, the first professional Estonian sculptor, had
close contacts with Paldiski – Ed] maritime sculpture. An opinion poll was organized about what kind of sculpture the inhabitants would like to see in their town – it became a significant cultural event. The aim of the democratic ‘model process’ was to raise the self-awareness of society and encourage decision-making. Although there is a difference between the isolation of the nursing home and Paldiski, a parallel nevertheless emerges between these two environments, and also between the two (art) practices.